Sunday, November 4, 2007

Blog formatting

I guess I am still learning about the blogger formatting. I thought I had my Halloween post all layed out perfectly. I previewed and everything looked good. Then when I uploaded it seemed to lose all my instructions and rearranged my photos. Suggestions from those of you with more experience are welcome.


Kellie said...

I don't have any words of wisdom for you. I usually just upload my pictures in the center and then type either above or below them. Mostly for the reasons you experienced. I am working on learning to manipulate things from the html side, so if I get any insight, I'll let you know. Thanks for inviting me to read your blog. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family better.

Cami said...

Well, the preview isn't really a preview. I had to figure that out the hard way. It's really just trial and error. I've ended up mostly doing my pictures in the middle and letting the text go above and below. Good luck.

Mendy said...

Yeah, it's a bummer, but I usually end up posting and then editing my pictures. They never turn out quite right. I just tell myself to remember that you get what you pay for!