Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas at the McGhies

We wanted to post some photos of our Christmas at home this year. We had a wonderful holiday together, but did miss our extended family.

We started our Christmas Eve with a traditional fondue dinner and Matt reading the Christmas Story from Luke 2. The kids "acted out" the story using the Little People Nativity set, then the kids had a sleepover in Kirsten's room.

Santa brought drumsets to both Kirsten and Dalton this year (and gave Angela a set of headphones). Kirsten has been playing percussion for three years and is really excited to have a full set to practice on.

We had a slow, relaxed Christmas morning. The kids were able to play with and enjoy each item that they opened. I don't have a photo, but Angela finally gave Matt he Bose Wave Music System he has wanted for five years. Matt got Angela a Cricut cutting system.

Do you think Dalton was happy to get a Buzz Lightyear? When Dalton got a little tired after playing all morning he watched "Toy Story" with is Buzz and Woody toys by his side.

Kirsten gave Dalton a new set of toy tools. He likes to wear the
tool belt and "work" around the house.
Angela is the camera operator there is not one photo of her on Christmas day. We will have to do better at taking turns with the camera next year. We did take a lot of video and did capture Angela in a few shots. We had a wonderful holiday and hope you did too!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Williamsburg Thanksgiving

We had a great time at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. We went on a family trip for three days over Thanksgiving. It did get very cold, but we were able to balance indoor activities with outdoor ones and enjoy our holiday. We dressed up for an evening at the Capital of Williamsburg. Matt and Angela were invited to participate in the colonial dancing.
Matt was cast as a revolutionary leader in a colonial play.

Dalton learns to play a colonial game called "hoop and stick."

Kirsten plays colonial games with the locals.

The master of "hoop and stick."

Angela must have been in trouble (or at least willing to humor her kids).

Dalton learned to play his tin whistle just like the Fife and Drum Corps.
[I just love him in his tricorner hat.]

Colonial kids (after a night of dancing).

McGhies in front of the Govenor's Palace.