Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Morning Posts

We decided as a family to post to our blog on Sunday mornings. We want to record more of what our family is doing to keep you informed and to record it for our family history. This morning there is a problem with uploading photos to blogger, so we will just write entries today and upload our photos when it is working.

Dalton is in a weekly playgroup with eight of his friends from church. We have been meeting at the park, and this week took a field trip to the farm. It is still 70-80 degrees here, but when the weather does get cold we will move to playgroup to rotate to all the friends' homes. Dalton also enjoys playing in his new fort (given to us by some neighbors) and going to storytime at the library. He has a new Tball set and is getting pretty good at hitting the ball.

Kirsten is loving Middle School. See her post for details.

I (Angela) have a new calling as Assitant Family History Center Director. I am excited to be in charge of training, especially with the New Family Search coming soon. I am working very hard to finish my last four assignments for the American Genealogy class I have been taking for the last few years. I have learned so much, and the end is in sight!

Matt is still teaching seminary and is back singing in the Mormon Choir of Washington DC. He likes to take the kids out to do fun things on Saturdays, especially if I am off speaking at or attending a genealogy seminar. Hopefully he will post his own entry on this family blog soon.

We will try to keep to our Sunday morning schedule for new entries so that you can stay informed about our family.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Kirsten, great to read your blog. You are doing great things--fun, too. we really miss you and hope we can see you, if not in Trinidad, at least soon after we finish our mission. Love, Grandma McGhie