Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Amy and Rick join us in Florida

Kirsten and Dalton had a very pleasant surprise when they got to Florida - Aunt Amy and her friend Rick were there to join us for our Disneyworld vacation! The kids loved both Amy and Rick. We had a great time together.
Kirsten was glad to have more people to go on rides with her.

Dalton was happy to see Aunt Amy
It was easy to say goodbye to Amy because we had such a fun time, and we were going to see her again in ten days at Lisa's wedding.

Rick was tall enough to get Dalton in a picture with Rocket (from Little Einsteins).

Kirsten and Rick going on the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger ride.
Rick scored the most points in our group.

Kirsten, Amy and Dalton in front of the Lake at Epcot.


Deb said...

it's so great that your sister could come and join you! the perfect surprise!

Cami said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! I love when family can tag along.

Melanie said...

That's so fun that Amy was able to join you! Tell her hello and that I missed seeing her!

Amber said...

I didn't know your sister was going to meet you!! That is such a great surprise. Looks like everyone had so much fun.

Scarlett said...

OH my gooodnesss!!! I wish I was there with you! All the pictures looked like so much fun. My favorite picture is the one w/all the matching shirts. Great idea! I'll remember that if we ever go again. It's been over 7 years since we took the kids. It was just the two older ones. Now we've got to make it up to 5 kids. Yikes! I'll need a few tips. glad you're back though! I missed your bones! :)